Gold Rose Highlights
Maybe you are looking for a new hairstyle, but you are not very into radical changes like silver and grey Highlights and you want something different than blonde highlights, well…
Let me tell you that you will fall in love with this trend, because, It´s romantic, classic, edgy, chic and really feminine.
This hairstyle will work in your office, school, music festival and parties and you will stand your beauty with these light pink highlights.
Several celebrities have tried them and have slayed with them; actresses like Sienna Miller ruled this hairstyle.
Bella Thorne, Lady Gaga and mostly Hillary Duff have tried this trend. Some extra advice, if you want to search more about Highlights, you have to see Hillary Duff hairstyles, because, she have tried them all kind of different Highlights!.
Don´t be afraid, this trend comes, but It will never goes; Summer is coming and with it changes looks soar.
We can reflect the season of the colors also in our hair and get some fun wicks for your best summer outfits. if you know how to wear them, trust me, you won´t be old fashion if you try these Gold Rose Highlights and don´t think too much because It seems that this season the pink will be the one who stars in fashion.
From clothes to current beauty trends. That is why the dyed hair, if you want to follow the trends, will have to take some touches of this feminine color.
Here are some ideas to take, Discover them!. Maybe, you are searching a little more because you are not very sure to try this, I invite you to keep reading because I will convince you, Gold Rose Highlights will give light to your face and will make you look youthful, this is the change that every woman in their life needs, your friends will have you in a pedestal for daring yourself if you tried this and for sure, we will.
This kind of hair style is very versatile and you won´t need to live in your hair saloon, they are really handy and you won´t have troubles if you do them from your roots, your hair will grow and it will look like a balayage. It´s something you should have in mind, even more if you are lazy.
The truth about all these highlights is that you have to bleach your hair if you have dark hair, because, you won´t be able to see them and the tint will last just a few weeks.
Almost every woman alive is afraid of bleaching their hair, but when we see this hairstyle our hearts break.
I believe it´s time to end this myth; the only thing to do is to take care of your hair, use at least 20 minutes to use a hair masks in your week routine and you don´t have to buy fancy products; but you must be prepared for it. First, it is best to opt for a shampoo for dyed hair, as it has special proteins for your hair and your dyed.
We can´t forget the conditioner, once we cleared the shampoo. Also, a couple of times a week, it is necessary to use a mask and let it act for a few minutes. Of course, handmade masks are also very helpful; you can try using the following handmade recipes:
*Avocado: Avocadoes have plenty of vitamin A, E, K, B 1, B 2 and B3 that will keep your hair shiny and bright. You will need to smash the avocado and then make a massage in your hair with it, but only the tips of your hair, then put a swimming cap on your hair to concentrate the heat. That will help you absorb all the nutrients of your hair.
* Olive Oil: Olive oil is another excellent product, with only two spoons you can massage your hair and then you can wash it with shampoo and the hair conditioner of your preference, be sure to be at home when you choose to use the Olive Oil mask, because if you go outside you can damage your hair.
*Coconut oil: Coconut oil will hydrate your hair and also will help him grow much faster. This beauty advice is very common in India. The main reason to use Coconut Oil as a mask is because it has antioxidant properties and it has the power to rehabilitate your damage hair. Coconut Oil has being an intensive mask for hair care for many times and used by many Women.
As our hair will become a little fragile, we should try to avoid both dryers and irons as much as possible and always opt for a thermal protector.
When it comes to retouching, it is always good to bet on the professionals so as not to damage the hair too much.
They can advise us if we should make new highlights or just add a little color to the part of your roots.
Those worries about damaging your hair are over and the myth about “I won´t bleach my hair because “I will make it look dry” has end.
If you go to a specialist to get Gold Rose Highlights, he will give you the best’s advices to take care of your hair.
It´s not recommended to do it by your own if you never have done it before or if you never have seen a professional making Highlights, if you intent to make your own highlights don´t try with yourself, because you can burn your own hair and also cause a really big damage.
One option is to look in the colors of fantasy colors (Manic Panic, Stargazer, Crazy Color) the color you want and apply it as indicated by the semi-permanent dye instructions. With this what you will get is to spend the whole dye pot and that the hair will be perfect the first day, but with the washes it will go away and your light hair will appear again.
The option I do is a little simpler and cheaper and helps you keep more color.
You can see this video to learn How to make Gold Rose Highlights and learn the process of Gold Rose Highlights.
Now, you have lost the fear of bleaching and you can start seeing some options!.
Like all colors, pink, also has its very varied tones. To begin, you can opt for a pastel shades, which will undoubtedly be the core of the season.
In this way, its subtle brushstrokes will be so striking on your hair, especially with a balayage.
Blonde Hair with Gold Rose Highlights
In this case, you won´t have to bleach your hair, because your hair is very light and the tint will penetrate really beautifully, about looks their isn´t any preference. In Short hair with Gold Rose Highlights or Long Hair with Gold Rose Highliths works very well with this fashion trend.
Gold Rose Highlights have us in in love since 2016.
Light Brown Hair with Gold Rose Highlights
It´s more common to see Rose Gold Highlights on Light Brown hair than any other hair color; in this case you won´t have to bleach so much your hair because you have a light color base and they will last the same, you can choose a balayage or just thing or thick Highlights.
I suggest combining both techniques, to use a light Pink for the balayage and then highlights with a darker pink.
This look has being a trend since Tumblr Girls started this fashion trend and going viral. It´s perfect if you have that eclectic hippy chic kind of style!.
Dark Brown Hair with Gold Rose Highlights
In this case you will have to leave your hair a little longer with the bleach and the rose tint, because, you will need to let the chemicals do their magic to penetrate your hair.
If you don´t let it work enough time this Rose Gold Highlights won´t last; fantasy tints are more soft and they usually last less than a regular tint.
The good thing about fantasy colors is that you can change colors pretty often and they are more soft than a regular tint, that means that they don´t cause a huge change in your hair than a regular dye.
Black Hair with Gold Rose Highlights
Same as Dark Brown Hair you will have to let the bleach do magic. With this hair color there are no restrictions, you don´t need to be subtle as with other hair styles.
With these Highlights you have the freedom to dye it as you want because they will look beautiful anyway.
Blonde Hair with Gold Rose Highlights and Purple Highlights
Combinations can be as daring as this hairstyle that Christina Aguilera whore during the nominations for the American Music Awards in Los Angeles, but it is important to take in count the color of your hair.
According to experts, pastel shades are recommended for blondes or light brunettes.
Of course, within these styles, you can apply certain variations. On one hand we have degraded effects. In the other hand, simply from the middle of the hair to the tips, we can mix two shades of pink.
Tips for a slightly clearer and more intense for the average color.
They will be your tips who will star your radical hairstyle change. In this way, you know that soon that you don´t like how it looks or it´s a little damage, you always have the opportunity to clean it up and cutting them to always have your perfect hair.
As you can see, there are always ideas for all tastes and styles. Which of them is close to yours?.
Gold Rose Sombré
Sombres are very trendy this season, because they are very subtle and their blending has a more natural blended look.
This particular style uses a darker shade at the roots that blend on a very subtle way into a light rose gold at the ends to create a stunning contrast of pink toned colors.
Platinum Gold Rose Hair
The effect that creates Platinum Gold Rose Hair is guaranteed to take your breath away.
The platinum-based rose gold shade will have you looking like you were an Instagram post. Just style your hair in a straight way or you can curl your hair a little bit in a very fancy way to complete your picture perfect hairstyle to look like a vintage star!.
There is a shampoo called white hair shader. But, there are L’Oreal and Deliplus (Mercadona) and many other brands hair shader.
This shampoo is navy blue and serves for when the hair turns yellow, It´s pretty common and you should get one to remain your dye. Hairs that are gray or discolored over time turns yellow and with this shampoo, which removes the yellow shade, return to their original ash, gray-white color.
This shampoo, unlike normal shampoo, should be applied to all hair.
Radicals styles consist of painting your hair in bright colors like pink, purple or blue cake before were seen as exclusive to teenagers, however, today many celebrities have chosen this look.
The candy colors have become a trend among some celebrities like Kelly Osborne that even combine their hair with their pastel shades that are very fashionable.
Although singers like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga have dyed their hair with exotic greens and pastel blues, other celebrities such as Rachel McAdams, Dakota Fanning and Christina Aguilera have preferred to wear a few Gold Rose Highlights, wearing this style in a subtle way and a little more discreet.
If you liked this article, don´t be shy and share it with your family and friend to let them know a little more about Gold Rose Highlights, how to wear them, how to do them and their maintenance.
Don´t forget to come to our blog every week, because, we keep our advices very updated for you!. Till the next time!.
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